CWI Tutoring provides free support to current students for a wide variety of course, topics, and assignments.
To locate a tutor and set up an appointment, log into MyCWI and use the three-bar icon in the top left to get to the "Discover" function.
From the Discover page, use the search feature to search for "Tutoring Services," then click "Connect with a Tutor" to get to Upswing.
Once you're logged into Upswing, use the search function to look for a specific course by course code or tutor by the name. You can even meet with Upswing tutors virtually if you are having trouble scheduling with a CWI tutor.
Need help using Upswing for the first time? Check out this video!
Still not finding what you need? Try the other Tutoring link in Blackboard's Tools menu, "24/7 Online Tutoring via," for an even wider variety of on-demand online support for subjects taught at CWI, including instant appointments and a 12-hour turnaround for online writing submissions.