Committed to providing equal academic opportunities and inclusive learning environments accessible to all, Student Disability Services at College of Western Idaho (CWI) supports the academic success of our students by:
- coordinating accommodations for individuals with disabilities
- providing disability information and resources to students, employees, and the community
Accommodations are tailored to an individual’s situation, taking into account the nature of their disability, their prior experience with specific academic adjustments or modifications, and the context of the learning environment and course content.
Auxiliary Aids
Auxiliary aids and services are those items and services which, if provided, a student with a disability would have equal access to education and/or activities for which the student is eligible and may include, but are not limited to:
- note-taking
- American Sign Language interpretation
- speech to text interpretation
- use of a computer for in-class exams and in-class writing assignments
- a reduced distraction environment, whenever possible, for in-class exams
- extra time for in-class exams and in-class writing assignments
- alternative book and test formats
Auxiliary aids and services do not include personal attendants, individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or other devices or services of a personal nature such as tutoring or typing.
The Library also offers accessibility equipment for checkout by students.
Learn more on their website at: